The Jolt Files

Help Raise Public Awareness of Acupuncture

The Jolt Files is a podcast dedicated to raising awareness about the practice and benefits of Acupuncture. Featured in the New & Noteworthy section of iTunes and hitting number 1 in ‘Health’ and ‘Alternative Health’, this popular podast has been downloaded over 10,000 times!

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Each podcast episode goes for between 8 – 12 minutes. Subscribe and download now. Every single download helps us to keep rating well on iTunes … enabling us to reach their 800 millions users! Join with us and support Acupuncture. All it takes is a few clicks or taps on your smart device.

Featured in the New & Noteworthy Section of iTunes!

In our first few weeks, we were featured in the highly coveted New & Noteworthy section of iTunes along with other highly popular podcasts from leading publishers. We also hit number 1 in the charts for ‘Health’ and ‘Alternative Health’.

Number 1 in the iTunes Charts!

We were so happy to have The Jolt Files be the simultaneous number 1 podcast in both the ‘Alternative Health’ and ‘All Health’ categories. This is a great outcome for the Acupuncture profession.

​Peter Deadman, editor of the Journal of Chinese Medicine, inspired us on our IMPACT Symposium when he said, “We all need to put our hands in our pockets and hire a PR company to promote Acupuncture. We have great medicine that has helps many hundreds of thousands of people. We need to let more people know about the benefits of Acupuncture.”

Peter Deadman IMPACT Symposium Panelist (2014)